Manhattan Dentist Works Backwards with Dental Implants

New York City dentist uses digital technologies combined with surgical skills to visualize the end result for patients before implant treatment begins.

New York, NY September 17, 2009 -- David Binder, D.D.S., the "Manhattan Dentist," uses digital X-ray, implant simulation and modeling software combined with surgical skills and training to create the end result before any treatment begins. Patients can see what their dental implants will look like in their mouths and understand the degree of surgery required before any dental treatment begins. A patient can have the look of their current simile or enhance the shape, color, and alignment of the dental implants to achieve their desired results.

Manhattan Dentist, David S. BinderManhattan Dentist, David S. Binder

Dr David Binder, the "Manhattan Dentist" was an assistant clinical professor at NYU College of Dentistry. He taught dental students how to design implant treatment plans from the final restoration backwards.

The success of dental implants is well documented today at well over 90%. It's not whether implants work but can they achieve both functional and esthetic results that restore hard and soft tissues. The vision of the final implant supported bridge, denture and crown should be determined before an implant or implants are placed.

A mock up in wax of the final restoration is used to evaluate face, lip support, smile, speech and overall esthetics. From these prosthetic trials in conjunction with digital analysis, implant placement is determined. Digital treatment planning provides total control for implant restorative success.

The use of digital technologies such as CAT scan or cone beam x-ray scans, Radiographic stents, 3D imaging surgical planning software, surgical guides, and 3D models allow Dr. Binder to better plan a successful treatment result.

Once a final treatment plan is proposed a CAT scan is analyzed in 1mm 3 dimensional sections to determine bone quantity and quality for use. Bone grafting needs can be identified at this point.

Combining the CAT data and virtual imaging treatment software such as Simplant, the brand and size implants can be placed into site specific cross sections of the jaws. Vital structures are identified and avoided.

During the dental implant surgical procedure, this same CAT and software 3D data, digitally fabricated CAD / CAM surgical guides and stents enable a more precise placement of single, multiple dental implants or implant retained dentures.

In more complex situations a computer fabricated actual plastic skull or jaw is made for use as a practice block so the surgery can be taken from the virtual to the real, before a patient is touched.

Through these types of digital technologies the final crowns, dentures, and bridges can be superimposed on the implants along with the opposing arch to evaluate the proposed final restoration.

To learn more about the Manhattan Dentist, Dr. David S. Binder DDS and Dental Implants, and Implant Retained Dentures. Visit us online at

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